PO Box 129
Ashland, NY 12407
(518) 734-3636
Fax: (518) 734-5834
12094 State Route 23
Ashland, New York 12407
May 8, 2023
Town Board Meeting
Supervisor Richard E Tompkins
Councilperson Cathi Aplin
Councilperson James Lawrence
Councilpersons: Scott Tuttle and Jeff Gonzalez
In attendance: Bob Myers Code Enforcement, April Brimberry, Darren Elsom Kaaterskill Assoc., Travis Castle- LVDV, George Scherer Planning Board member, Nick Schupp of Renua Energy.
1-2] Supervisor Tompkins opened the Public Hearing with the pledge to the flag at 7:34 pm
3]Notice of Public Hearing Town of Ashland- Notice is hereby given the Town of Ashland Town Board shall conduct a public hearing on May 8th at 7:30pm prior to the Town Board meeting, at 12094 State Rt 23, Ashland, NY- The purpose of said hearing is to consider a 10-foot variance for Nathan Cearley at 220 West Settlement Road, tax map # 76.00-1-13 for a septic replacement. Anyone shall be heard at that time. By Order of the Town Board, Dawn Thorp, Town Clerk - Dated: April 10, 2023
Mr. Cearley a full-time resident brought the mailings to the Clerk; he reviewed the reports from DEP his architect septic plans for the septic with the board.
A motion to close the public hearing 7:47 PM was made by Councilperson Cathi Aplin, seconded by Councilperson James Lawrence. With all in favor.
The Board reviewed the plans and elevation, would like the Engineer to move the Pod 1-2 feet rotating the south west corner sliding it closer to the bank, 40-foot distance.
A motion made by Councilperson Lawrence, seconded by Councilperson Aplin to approve the variance, pending the engineer reviewing and turning the pod just enough making it close to the 40-foot mark.
Adopted: 4 Aye- Lawrence, Aplin, Gonzalez, Tompkins Nay 0 Absent 1 Tuttle
4]Variance Request: Mujon Demiraj Owner MDA Property, LLC 426 Campbell Road, represented by Kaaterskill Engineer. He has DEP approval, on his plans. He explained his plans.
A motion made By Councilperson Lawrence, seconded by Councilperson Aplin to set a Public Hearing on June 12th, 2023 at 7:30 PM Adopted: 4 Aye- Lawrence, Aplin, Gonzalez, Tompkins Nay 0 Absent 1 Tuttle
5]Open Bids for Black Top: The Supervisor opened and read two Bids received for 1.3 miles on Campbell Road.
Cobleskill Stone $ 132,880. And Peckham $165,900.
The Supervisor & Board compared the each of the specifics on material of the bids.
A Motion was made by Councilperson Lawrence, seconded by Councilperson Gonzalez to have Cobleskill stone at $132,880.00 do the black top on Campbell Road. Motion was;
Adopted: 4 Aye- Lawrence, Aplin, Gonzalez, Tompkins Nay 0 Absent 1 Tuttle
20]Town Clerk’s April Report: Supervisor asked for a motion to sign- the report.
A Motion was made by Councilperson Aplin, seconded by Councilperson Lawrence, to authorize the Supervisor to sign the report. Motion was;
Adopted: 4 Aye- Lawrence, Aplin, Gonzalez, Tompkins Nay 0 Absent 1 Tuttle
6]Purchase of Mowers: The board reviewed the specs of the mowers they had several companies to look over. The Supervisor advised the board we had both mowers down this last week. The mowers are old, parts are had to get. They are fixing them, and with two new mowers we should be covered should issues arise. The Cemetery Board wanted to buy one of the mowers.
Councilperson Lawrence made a motion to order two Ferris 61” mower deck at $9900.00. each saving $1,000.00 on state bid, seconded by Councilperson Gonzalez. Motion was;
Adopted: 4 Aye- Lawrence, Aplin, Gonzalez, Tompkins Nay 0 Absent 1 Tuttle
3]Comments from the floor: Travis gave his report on the pump outs and sand beds.
Magda Lane: April Brimbery came to the meeting regarding the road situation. The Supervisor has checked, with the Town Attorney on the information needed. The owners on the road can with 50% of owners agreeing, set up as a special taxing district- the road is 3100 feet long, we adopt this resolution set up a 30-day permissive referendum.
Travis Castle gave his report to the board, regarding work that has been done.
7]Employees Policies-Payroll Policies: The board reviewed the polices.
A motion made by Councilperson Cathi Aplin, seconded by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez to approve the policies, motion was; Adopted: 4 Aye- Lawrence, Aplin, Gonzalez, Tompkins Nay 0 Absent 1 Tuttle
8]Health Insurance -Elected Officials: The supervisor stated it is difficult to find insurance companies that will write a policy to cover elected officials, this leaves us without a lot of options for the employees. The discussion last month, was to consider removing Elected Officials off the Insurance effective the end of 2023 year. We only have one elected official on our policy now. It would give us a better policy for the employees, and more options.
A motion to remove Elected Officials from the town Insurance as of December 31, 2023 was made by Councilperson Lawrence, seconded by Councilperson Aplin, motion was;
Adopted: 4 Aye- Lawrence, Aplin, Gonzalez, Tompkins Nay 0 Absent 1 Tuttle
9] Local Law #4 Solar Rays Energy Systems:
A motion to set up a Public Hearing for the Solar Draft is set for June 12, 2023 at 7:30PM, made by Councilperson Lawrence, seconded By Councilperson Aplin, motion was;
Adopted: 4 Aye- Lawrence, Aplin, Gonzalez, Tompkins Nay 0 Absent 1 Tuttle
10] CDBG Grant -per Project Cap: We received a request from Antonia to increase a project they have received. Councilperson Aplin asked why they did not give us more information to decide. The Board agreed, we need more details of the amounts, to decide on this project. Dawn will contact Antonia.
12] Ambulance Fees Collected: The fees reviewed and signed by the board.
17] Ordinance to Establish Specifications for dedication of Town Roads. The Board will read and review this, the supervisor stated Vare Road is a good example of roads.
Communication: For the board’s information:
11] The report of Fire fighters Exemption: The board reviewed the towns that have approved this and towns that have not.
18] NYS DOT on County Rt 10 speed limit reductions. This was requested in August 2022 paperwork filled out by the Town Clerk and Scott Templeton in August 2022. We have received a copy of a letter to Scott Templeton, for NYS DOT stating the reduction of the speed limit is approved. They need to wait for the forms to be sent to Scott Templeton.
19] GCS&W District- Information on Batavia Kill Restoration at Red Falls.
21] Mine-kill swim program: The Supervisor asked the Board if they wanted to continue the Mine-kill program. Councilpersons Lawrence and Aplin both stated it is a great program we should do the program.
A motion made By Councilperson Lawrence, seconded by Councilperson Aplin to continue the Swim program, at Mine Kill, motion was;
Adopted: 4 Aye- Lawrence, Aplin, Gonzalez, Tompkins Nay 0 Absent 1 Tuttle
Pay Bills:
General Fund Warrant#5 45 claims $ 19,541.51
Highway Fund Warrant#5 5 claims $ 19,816.69
Water District Warrant #5 2 claims $ 157.00
Street Lights Warrant #5 1 Claim $ 126.68
WWTP Warrant #5 15 Claims $ 23,029.70
A motion to pay Bills as written was made by Councilperson Lawrence, seconded by Councilperson Gonzalez, Adopted: 4 Aye- Lawrence, Aplin, Gonzalez, Tompkins Nay 0 Absent 1 Tuttle
A motion to adjourn, made by Councilperson Aplin, seconded by Councilperson Lawrence at 8:49PM,
All in favor.
Dawn Thorp, Town Clerk
Dated: May 8, 2023
Ashland, New York