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Town Of Ashland
12094 State Route 23
Ashland, New York 12407
Town Board Meeting
May 13, 2024

Supervisor Richard E Tompkins
Councilperson Scott Tuttle
Councilperson James Garraghan
Councilperson John Mattice
Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez
Town Clerk Dawn Thorp
Highway Superintendent Larry Tompkins

Attending: Planning Board members: Co-Chair Barbara Cooke- George Scherer- Diane
Bergquist- Secretary Heather Younes, Bob Myers Code Enforcement Officer also, Sue Krom &
daughter- Edward Dyjack- and Joseph Clark.

1-4] Supervisor Tompkins opened the Public Hearing with Pledge to the American Flag at
7:31PM. The Town Clerk read the notice: Town of Ashland, Greene County New York- Notice is
hereby given: A Public Hearing will be held May 13 th , 2024 to consider a proposed Variance
regarding set back in the Town of Ashland. The proposed variance for Mr. & Mrs. Krom on route
23, Tax map # 93.02-1-8 on State Route 23. The Hearing will be scheduled for May 13, 2024
7:30 PM at The Town Hall, 12094 State Route 23, Ashland, New York. All parties will be heard at
that time. By Order of the Town Board, Dawn Thorp, Town Clerk Dated: April 8, 2024

The Supervisor asked Susan Krom for the receipts for the Town Clerk from the mailings to
neighbors. Supervisor Tompkins asked if there were any comments regarding the Variance for
Matt & Susan Krom. There were no comments.

2] Motion to Close Public Hearing at 7:35PM made by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez, seconded by
Councilperson James Garraghan, motion carried.
Councilperson Scott Tuttle arrived, 7:35PM.

Motion to grant the Variance of shed replacement 18ft to fence, above ground pool, deck and
area within the fenced area and spindles on porch to Matt & Susan Krom made by
Councilperson Scott Tuttle, seconded by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez, motion was; Adopted: 5
Aye Tuttle, Gonzalez Tompkins, Garraghan, and Mattice - Nay 0 – The code Enforcement Officer
Bob Myers, asked that they contact him, for the proper building permits.

3] Supervisor Tompkins opening the regular meeting to the comments from the floor.

5] Comments from the floor:
Planning Board members asked the Board, if the People could first come to the Town Board for
a variance before they come to the planning board with the building request. This would make
it easier for the person in the building process. A planning board member stated it is not in
writing in our book. The Board and Supervisor will check with the Town Attorney to see if the
order of variances can be changed with a letter.

Motion by Councilperson James Garraghan, seconded by Councilperson John Mattice to change
the order of variances, having them come to the Town board first. Prior to going to the Planning

Board, if the Town attorney concurs- motion was; Adopted: 5 Aye Tuttle, Gonzalez, Tompkins,
Garraghan, and Mattice - Nay 0

6] Joe Clark- of 115 North Settlement Road, is seeking a variance for his leach field. Mr. Clark
brought his engineering plans to the board. He explained the issues with the septic, he needs
the footage and the distance, according to the engineering plans. After the discussion,
Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez made a motion to schedule a public hearing June 10, 2024 at
7:30pm, seconded by Councilperson James Garraghan, motion was; Adopted:5 Aye Tuttle,
Gonzalez Tompkins, Garraghan, and Mattice - Nay 0.

7] Minekill- swim program: The Board discussed the annual event we sponsor each year. The
members agreed it is a worth-while event for the children. The Supervisor asked Heather if they
needed anything further, she told the board we will need additional aides to watch the smaller
children, there are 6 children to one aide.

8] Joseph Stern is applying for a job, the board reviewed his application, and discussed the job
we need him for, it will be part-time as needed. Motion by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez,
seconded by James Garraghan to approve Joseph Stern for part-time as needed employment,
motion was; Adopted: 5 Aye Tuttle, Gonzalez Tompkins, Garraghan, and Mattice - Nay 0

9] Letter of Support for the Town of Lexington: The Town of Lexington is asking for a letter of
support for the Restore NY Program: Motion made by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez, to draft a
letter for Lexington’s funding request, seconded by Councilperson John Mattice, motion was;
Adopted: 5 Aye Tuttle, Gonzalez Tompkins, Garraghan, and Mattice - Nay 0

10]Nursery & Landscape Quotes: The board reviewed the quotes received.

11]Ambulance Report on Fees: The board reviewed the ledger sheets and signed.

12]Town Clerk’s April 2024 Report: After review, motion was made by Councilperson Scott
Tuttle, seconded by Councilperson James Garraghan, to authorize the Supervisor to sign the
report, motion was; Adopted: 5 Aye- Tuttle, Gonzalez, Tompkins, Garraghan, Mattice - Nay 0

13]Town Board Resolutions:

TB#24 To authorize the Supervisor to establish Certificate of Deposits with multiple
investments, copies attached to original signed sealed resolution. Motion by Councilperson
Adopted: 5 Aye Tuttle, Gonzalez Tompkins, Garraghan, and Mattice - Nay 0

TB#25 To authorize the supervisor to use the sum of $2663.60 from unappropriated Highway
Fund balance to balance accounts in 2024. Motion by Councilperson Scott Tuttle, seconded by
Councilperson James Garraghan, to authorize the Supervisor to make the transfers, motion
was; Adopted: 5 Aye Tuttle, Gonzalez Tompkins, Garraghan, and Mattice - Nay 0

TB#26 To authorize the Supervisor to move the sum of $7,314.76 from Sewer District
unappropriated fund balance to balance accounts. Motion by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez,
seconded by Councilperson John Mattice, motion was; Adopted: 5 Aye Tuttle, Gonzalez
Tompkins, Garraghan, and Mattice - Nay 0

14] Ambulance District Resolution # 2 balance accounts -Motion by Councilperson Scott Tuttle
to authorize Supervisor to transfer money to balance accounts, seconded by Councilperson
James Garraghan, motion was; Adopted: 5 Aye Tuttle, Gonzalez Tompkins, Garraghan, and
Mattice - Nay 0

15] Highway Fund Resolution #3 to balance accounts: Motion by Councilperson James
Garraghan, seconded by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez to authorize the Supervisor to transfer
from unappropriated fund balance to balance accounts, motion was; Adopted: 5 Aye Tuttle,
Gonzalez Tompkins, Garraghan, and Mattice - Nay 0


16] Ashland Water district Resolution # 4 - to balance accounts: Motion by Councilperson Scott
Tuttle, seconded by Councilperson John Mattice to authorize the Supervisor to make transfers
to balance accounts, motion was; Adopted: 5 Aye Tuttle, Gonzalez Tompkins, Garraghan, and
Mattice - Nay 0

17] Ashland Sewer District Resolution # 4 to balance accounts: Motion by Councilperson Jeff
Gonzalez, seconded by Councilperson James Garraghan to authorize the Supervisor to make the
following transfers to balance accounts, motion was; Adopted: 5 Aye Tuttle, Gonzalez
Tompkins, Garraghan, and Mattice - Nay 0

18] Annual Nutrition Site Contract: We have a contract with the nutrition site each year as an
alternative location if the need arises. Motion by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez, seconded by
Councilperson Scott Tuttle to authorize the Supervisor to sign the contract, motion was;
Adopted: 5 Aye Tuttle, Gonzalez Tompkins, Garraghan, and Mattice - Nay 0

19] Coalition of Watershed Towns:
Motion by Councilperson Scott Tuttle, seconded by Councilperson John Mattice to approve the
existing committee members Two- year Term David Kukle- Town of Hunter and Steve Walker -
Town of Windham, Alternates: Greg Cross Town of Prattsville and Greg Kroyer Town of Jewett,
motion was; Adopted: 5 Aye Tuttle, Gonzalez Tompkins, Garraghan, and Mattice - Nay 0
For information:

20] Assessors Letter to residents regarding parcel inventory: The board reviewed Nancy
Bower’s letter to the taxpayers.

21] Greene County Legislature- Appointing members County Ambulance System Policy Group:
to Greene - Reviewed

22] Invitation to Annual Greene County Honor Veteran’s Memorial Cemetery: reviewed

23]WWTP Facility Compliance Inspection Report: reviewed by the board

Planning board minutes March and April to each board member.

Travis’ monthly report, and water reports submitted to the board for review.

The Supervisor let the board members know, the Body of the 2006 truck was rusted out and we
have money in the budget for the purchase a body for the truck. It is an aluminum truck body
$3,495.00 purchased from Trailers LLC, Cairo, New York.

Tax Collector’s transaction report submitted to the board. Dawn sent out the second notices for
unpaid tax bills on May 1 st .

Executive Secession: At 8:37pm a motion by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez seconded by
Councilperson James Garraghan, to go into executive secession regarding personnel, motion
carried, all in favor.

Close Executive Secession: At 8:57pm a motion by Councilperson Scott Tuttle, seconded by
Councilperson John Mattice to close executive secession, move back to the regular meeting,
motion carried, all in favor.

Motion by Councilperson James Garraghan, seconded by Councilperson Scott Tuttle to do the
To pay Joseph Stern new part time, as needed, $17.00 an hour
To increase Roseanne Cross’s hourly pay to $18.00 an hour
To increase Buildings and Grounds, General Maintenance full time employees $1.00 an hour
the increases starting next payroll, motion was;
Adopted: 4 Aye- Tuttle, Tompkins, Garraghan, and Mattice - Nay 0 Abstained: 1 Gonzalez


Pay Warrants: A motion to pay bills as written- made by Councilperson John Mattice, seconded
by Councilperson Gonzalez, motion was; Adopted: 5 Aye Tuttle, Gonzalez Tompkins, Garraghan,
and Mattice - Nay 0
General Fund Warrant # 5 35 Claims $ 26,913.55
Highway Fund Warrant #5 16 Claims $ 38,668.73
Ambulance District Warrant #5 10 Claims $ 3,054.13
St. Lighting Warrant #5 1 Claim $ 151.40
Water District Warrant #5 3 Claims $ 2,175.90
WWTP Fund Warrant # 5 11 Claims$ 31,879.01
A Motion to close at 9:06 PM made by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez, seconded by Councilperson
John Mattice, all in favor.
Dawn Thorp, Town Clerk
Dated May 13, 2024

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