PO Box 129
Ashland, NY 12407
(518) 734-3636
Fax: (518) 734-5834
Town Of Ashland
12094 State Route 23
Ashland, New York 12407
Special Town Board Meeting
June 26, 2024
In Attendance:
Supervisor Richard E. Tompkins
Councilperson Scott Tuttle
Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez
Councilperson James Garraghan
Councilperson John Mattice
Town Clerk Dawn Thorp
Attending: Shane Stone
The Supervisor Richard E Tompkins opened the Special Meeting at 4:00PM with the Pledge to the American flag.
2024 Black Top Bids- Muller Road
NOTICE TO BIDDERS – The prior bids were rejected: Take further notice; TOWN OF ASHLAND, GREENE COUNTY, NEW YORK, is seeking sealed bids for Blacktop in place approximately 1500 tons, type 6-12.5mm top, with a maximum rap blend proportion of 9.5 normal maximum size mixtures is 20.0% by weight of total mixture. No escalation cost in the bid. The paving will take place on Muller Road, from County Route 63, 1.2 miles. Milling for all blacktop driveways and intersections. Driveways will have 12-inch bump outs, town will supply water, traffic control, and any necessary sweeping.
Work must start after June 30, 2024 and must be completed by September16, 2024. Sealed bids will be marked Blacktop Bid and be accompanied with a non-collusive bidding certification form section 103d of general municipal law.
Bids will be accepted until 3:00PM June 26, 2024 Bids will be opened and read aloud at the Special Town Board meeting June 26, 2024 - 4:00PM, at 12094 State Route 23, Ashland, New York, 12407, Bids can also be mailed to: Town of Ashland, PO Box 129, Ashland, NY 12407, and must be postmarked before 3:00PM June 26, 2024. Town of Ashland reserves the right to reject any, and all bids.
Any questions contact Ashland Highway Superintendent, Larry Tompkins at 518-588-3443 or Diane Cross, Town of Ashland, PO Box, 129, Ashland, New York 12407, or at 518-734-3636 or
fax 518-734-5834
Bids: The Supervisor opened the bids read the amounts and gave to the board for review- The board reviewed each of the 3 Bids submitted.
Peckham Industries, Inc. 1210.00 Ton $97.50 unit = $117,975.00 - compaction 1.5”
Callanan Industries, Inc. 1500.00 Ton $97.94 unit= $146,910.00 – compaction 1.5”
Cobleskill Stone Products, Inc. 1500.00 Ton $86.70 unit = $130,050.00- compaction 2.00”
After a discussion on the tonnage, pricing; and compaction depth;
Motion made by Councilperson Scott Tuttle, seconded By Councilperson John Mattice to award the bid to Cobleskill Stone Products, Inc. motion was; -Adopted: Aye 5 Tuttle, Mattice, Tompkins, Gonzalez, Garraghan - Nay 0
Motion to Close made by Councilperson Scott Tuttle at 4:16pm seconded by Councilperson James Garraghan, all in favor.
Dawn J. Thorp, Town Clerk
Dated: June 26, 2024