PO Box 129
Ashland, NY 12407
(518) 734-3636
Fax: (518) 734-5834
Town Of Ashland
12094 State Route 23
Ashland, New York 12407
Town Board Meeting
June 10, 2024
Supervisor Richard E Tompkins
Councilperson Scott Tuttle
Councilperson James Garraghan
Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez
Town Clerk Dawn Thorp
Highway Superintendent Larry Tompkins
Absent: Councilperson John Mattice
Others attending: Joseph Clark and Siobhan Moloney, Mr. Skopinsky, Travis Castle LVDV Operations, Co-Chair
of Planning Board Barbara Cooke, and Heather Younes
1 & 4] The Supervisor opened the Public Hearing with the Pledge to the American flag.at 7:30PM
Councilperson Scott Tuttle arrive 7:34PM
Notice: Town of Ashland, Greene County New York
Notice is hereby given: A Public Hearing will be held to consider a proposed Variance for a septic system, regarding set
back in the Town of Ashland. The proposed Variance #2 for Joe Clark, Tax map # 77.04-1-11 at 115 North Settlement
Road. The Hearing will be scheduled for June 10,2024, 7:30 PM at The Town Hall, 12094 State Route 23, Ashland, New
York. All parties will be heard at that time.
By Order of the Town Board,
Dawn Thorp, Town Clerk
Dated: May 13, 2024
The Supervisor asked Mr. Clark to come up to come up to the front to the discussion of the septic blue prints being too
close to the Maria Garo acre of land, this would make it impossible for her to use her land. The Supervisor is checking
into the state setback with septic laws- He believes according to our town engineer, the berm cannot be less than 10
feet, from the property line. This location is too close to the Maria Garo Property, that would make it unusable to her.
Councilperson Scott Tuttle asked if she might consider selling the parcel? Mr. Skopinsky, her uncle, representing her,
said no she received the land from her father and does not want to sell. Joe Clark and Siobhan Moloney also own a
parcel boarding their house, is it a possible option for the septic to be directed on this property? After a series of
2-3] Motion By Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez to close to public hearing, seconded by Councilperson Jim Garraghan, to
move to the Regular Town Board meeting at 8:00 PM, motion carried.
Motion by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez to hold and meet with Town Engineer, Mr. Utter and owners to find a solution
and resolve the issue with septic, seconded by Councilperson Jim Garraghan motion was;
Adopted: Aye 4 Tuttle, Gonzalez, Tompkins, Garraghan- Nay 0 – Absent 1: Mattice
5] Comments from the Floor: No one had comments or concerns.
6] Black Top Bids: The Board only received one bid, they wanted to extend the bidding, rebid the blacktop for this year,
they did not open the bid they received. Motion by Councilperson Scott Tuttle seconded by Councilperson Jim
Garraghan to set a new bid date and notice, with a special meeting motion was; Adopted: Aye 4 Tuttle, Gonzalez,
Tompkins, Garraghan- Nay 0 – Absent 1: Mattice
7] Jesse Bernstein EMT Application: The Board reviewed the application, motion by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez
seconded by Councilperson Jim Garraghan to approve the hiring of Jesse Bernstein, motion was; Adopted: Aye 4 Tuttle,
Gonzalez, Tompkins, Garraghan- Nay 0 – Absent 1: Mattice
8] Jalessa Ayala Resignation: Jalessa has moved, does not live in Ashland, she cannot continue as a Planning Board
member. Motion to accept her resignation with regret, by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez, seconded by Councilperson Jim
Garraghan- motion was; Adopted: Aye 4 Tuttle, Gonzalez, Tompkins, Garraghan- Nay 0 – Absent 1: Mattice
9] Town Board Resolution# 27- CD Investments: Motion to authorize the Supervisor to do the investments made by
Councilperson Scott Tuttle, seconded by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez, motion was; Adopted: Aye 4 Tuttle, Gonzalez,
Tompkins, Garraghan- Nay 0 – Absent 1: Mattice
10] Sewer District Resolution #5: Motion by Councilperson Scott Tuttle to authorize the Supervisor to balance accounts,
seconded by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez motion was; Adopted: Aye 4 Tuttle, Gonzalez, Tompkins, Garraghan- Nay 0 –
Absent 1: Mattice
11]General Fund Resolution # 7 Motion by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez to authorize the Supervisor to balance accounts,
seconded by Councilperson Jim Garraghan motion was; Adopted: Aye 4 Tuttle, Gonzalez, Tompkins, Garraghan- Nay 0
Absent 1: Mattice
12] Ambulance Fees Collected A review by the board each member signed the report.
13]Town Clerk’s May report for 2024: The Board reviewed the report, motion by Councilperson Scott Tuttle, seconded
by Councilperson Jim Garraghan, to authorize the Supervisor to sign the report, motion was;
Adopted: Aye 4 Tuttle, Gonzalez, Tompkins, Garraghan- Nay 0 – Absent 1: Mattice
14]Magda Lane: Supervisor would like approval once the two items are completed from the Engineers report, the Board
reviewed the Engineer’s report. There are two items that need to be corrected, 1] the engineer stated the stomps left
on the side of the road need to be ground down- 2] cul-de-sac is 73 feet and is supposed to be 90 feet for the trucks and
equipment to turn around.
15] ARPA Funds Youth & Veterans Programs: The board wondered about a pickle court for the public to use in the park,
possible to apply for the funding. It may be possible to use the basketball area. The deadline is July 31 st for applying for
16] Insurance Requirement for Community Room and Pavilion Usage: After a lengthy discussion:
A motion by Councilperson Scott Tuttle, seconded by Councilperson Jim Garraghan to any organization that is open to a
public event- must have insurance to use the community room or pavilion, Motion was: Adopted: Aye 4 Tuttle,
Gonzalez, Tompkins, Garraghan- Nay 0 – Absent 1: Mattice
Communication: Reviewed by the board
17]Annual Senior Citizen Day- A flyer for the bulletin board with dates and times.
18] Municipal Shelter Report – the Dog shelter was inspected and is satisfactory.
19]Dog Control Officer inspection Report-
Reviewed by the Board: Minutes, Planning board minutes, Travis Castles reports for Water & Sewer
Motion to pay bills as written by Councilperson Garraghan, seconded by Councilperson Tuttle, motion was; Adopted:
Aye 4 Tuttle, Gonzalez, Tompkins, Garraghan- Nay 0 – Absent 1: Mattice
General Warrant #6 41 Claims $17,916.16
Highway Warrant #6 15 Claims $7,347.89
Water District Warrant #6 7 Claims $1,274.41
Ambulance District Warrant #6 16 Claims $6,701.81
Streetlight Warrant #6 13 Claims $20,815.76
Motion by Councilperson Jeff Gozalez, seconded by Councilperson James Garraghan to close at 8:45PM all in favor.
Dawn Thorp Town Clerk- Dated June 10, 2024