PO Box 129
Ashland, NY 12407
(518) 734-3636
Fax: (518) 734-5834
Town Of Ashland
12094 State Route 23
Ashland, New York 12407
Town Board Meeting
July 8, 2024
Supervisor Richard E Tompkins
Councilperson James Garraghan
Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez
Town Clerk Dawn Thorp
Highway Superintendent Larry Tompkins
Absent: Councilperson Scott Tuttle
Attending: Bob Myers, Andrew Horlock of Kaaterskill Associates
1-2] Supervisor Tompkins opened the meeting with the Pledge to the American Flag at 7:33pm asked Mr. Horlock to address the board, we will do Comments later. 0.
4] Andrew Horlock of Kaaterskill Associates: Representing Space Storage LLC 11241 State Route 23, Town of Ashland
Tax Map # 94.00-2-45. For a possible variance for two additional climate-controlled storage buildings, the map was reviewed by the board: Motion by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez, seconded by Councilperson John Mattice to hold a public hearing August 12th at 7:30 pm, motion was; Adopted: 4 Aye Tompkins, Gonzalez, Garraghan, Mattice, 0 Nay 1 Absent Tuttle - Mr. Horlock received the information of the contacts and paperwork he needs.
3] Comments from the floor: Bob Myers gave a report on a couple of locations with issues of no building permits, this has been addressed.
5] Town Board Resolutions:28-33
#28 Motion by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez, seconded by Councilperson John Mattice to authorize the Supervisor to set up Certificates of Deposits Investment list attached to the Resolution, motion was; Adopted: 4 Aye Gonzalez, Garraghan, Mattice, Tompkins- 0 Nay 1 Absent Tuttle
#29 Motion by Councilperson John Mattice, seconded by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez to authorize the Supervisor to establish Certificates of Deposits in various accounts-Investment list attached to the Resolution., motion was; Adopted: 4 Aye Gonzalez, Garraghan, Mattice, Tompkins 0 Nay 1 Absent Tuttle
#30 Motion by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez, seconded by Councilperson John Mattice to authorize the Supervisor to establish accounts to invest in Certificates of Deposits Investment list attached to the Resolution., motion was;
Adopted: 4 Aye Gonzalez, Garraghan, Mattice, Tompkins 0 Nay 1 Absent Tuttle
#31 Motion by Councilperson James Garraghan seconded by Councilperson John Mattice to authorize the Supervisor to use $128,178.01 of 2023 unappropriated fund balance to other funds in the General Fund, and increase Appropriations Account for expenses, motion was; Adopted: 4 Aye Gonzalez, Garraghan, Mattice, Tompkins 0 Nay 1 Absent Tuttle
#32 Motion by Councilperson James Garraghan, seconded by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez to authorize the Supervisor
to use the sum of $6,440.46 from General unappropriated Fund Balance to balance accounts in 2024, and increased revenues in the appropriated fund balance account and increase Appropriation accounts for the expense, motion was;
Adopted: 4 Aye Gonzalez, Garraghan, Mattice, Tompkins 0 Nay 1 Absent Tuttle
#33 Motion by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez, seconded by Councilperson James Garraghan to authorize the Supervisor
to use the sum of $4,417.80 from Ambulance District Fund Unappropriated Fund Balance to balance accounts in 2024, to balance accounts for 2024 Ambulance District Operating fund and increased revenues in the appropriated fund balance account and increase Appropriation accounts for the expense, motion was; Adopted: 4 Aye Gonzalez, Garraghan, Mattice, Tompkins 0 Nay 1 Absent Tuttle
6] General Fund Resolution # 7 Motion by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez, seconded By Councilperson John Mattice to authorized the Supervisor to balance accounts, motion was; Adopted: 4 Aye Gonzalez, Garraghan, Mattice, Tompkins
0 Nay 1 Absent Tuttle
7] Sewer District Resolution# 6 Motion by Councilperson James Garraghan, seconded By Councilperson John Mattice to authorized the Supervisor to balance accounts, motion was; Adopted: Aye 4 Gonzalez, Garraghan, Mattice, Tompkins Nay 0 1 Absent Tuttle
8] Water District Resolution #5 Motion by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez, seconded By Councilperson John Mattice to authorized the Supervisor to balance accounts, motion was; Adopted: 4 Aye Gonzalez, Garraghan, Mattice, Tompkins
0 Nay 1 Absent Tuttle
9] Ambulance District Resolution #2 Motion by Councilperson James Garraghan, seconded By Councilperson John Mattice to authorized the Supervisor to balance accounts, motion was; Adopted: Aye 4 Gonzalez, Garraghan, Mattice, Tompkins Nay 0 1 Absent Tuttle
10] Ambulance fees spreadsheet Collected: The Town Board reviewed and signed the document.
11] Town Clerk’s June Monthly Report for June 2024: The Town Board reviewed the accounting and Documents:
Motion by Council person John Mattice seconded By Councilperson James Garraghan to authorized the Supervisor to sign the report, motion was; Adopted Aye 4 Gonzalez, Garraghan, Mattice, Tompkins Nay 0 1 absent Tuttle
12] Carrington Road Extension: The records are not conclusive on the status of the Carrington Road Extension in the town road inventory. Dawn stated she would check her deed files she may have something for Tal the town attorney.
13] Update of the Records room and Ambulance Quarters: The Supervisor said he has been in contact with a Mr. Petro and Garzone regarding AC / heat and plumbing. Also getting a price on windows and doors.
For Information and review:
14] Selective Insurance Company of America: Northeast Region Government Entity, Volunteer Fire Organization of Private School Pool Dividend. The Town received a check in the amount of $1980.88.
15] Ambulance Donation: Mr. & Mrs. Wagner of Campbell Road gave a donation to our Ambulance with a note of appreciation to everyone.
16] Windham Foundation Donation to the Minekill Program: Phyllis Parrish of the Windham Foundation Board gave a donation of $500.00 to the swim program which covers our neighboring towns. The board members were very pleased for this generous donation, which helps our program.
17] CWT Election Results: A list of the election results was given of all the counties involved for review.
Updates on ongoing matters:
Magda Lane: The final work has been completed we are waiting on the Engineer to inspect this week.
Joe Clark variance for septic: Mr. Clark has decided not extend the septic to his other parcel. The engineers will have go back to the drawing board to find a solution.
Copies of the following for the board’s review: Planning Board minutes- Town Board minutes- Travis Castle’s water district and sewer reports.
Pay Warrants:
Motion by Councilperson John Mattice, seconded by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez to accept the bills as written and audited, motion was; Adopted 4 Aye Tompkins, Gonzalez, Garraghan, Mattice, 0 Nay 1 Absent Tuttle
General Fund Warrant # 7 26 Claims $17,916.92
Ambulance Dist. Warrant # 7 19 Claims $7,352.47
Highway Warrant # 7 12 Claims $2,688.42
Water District Warrant #7 3 Claims $2,829.35
WWTP Warrant #7 12 Claims $ 24,648.55
Motion to close by Councilperson James Garraghan, seconded By Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez, at 8:33PM, all in favor.
Dawn Thorp, Town Clerk, Dated: July 8, 2024