PO Box 129
Ashland, NY 12407
(518) 734-3636
Fax: (518) 734-5834
12094 State Route 23
Ashland, New York 12407
January 09, 2023
Town Board Meeting
Supervisor Richard E Tompkins
Councilperson James Lawrence
Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez
Councilperson Cathi Aplin
Councilperson Scott Tuttle[Title]
Attending Meeting: Planning Board members Barbara Cooke, George Scherer, Jeremie Younes.
1-2 - Supervisor Richard Tompkins opened the Town Board Public Hearing and Meeting with the pledge to the flag at 7:32pm.
3] Comments from the Floor:
4] Set Back Law: To change confusion on the 1988 setback Ordinance.
A motion By Councilperson Lawrence Seconded by Councilperson Gonzalez to open the Public Hearing for the setback Ordinance at 7:32pm, all in favor.
Notice is hereby given, that the Town Board of the Town of Ashland, Greene County, New York shall hold a Public Hearing at a Regular Meeting thereof held on the 9th day of January 2023 at 7:30 pm, for the purpose of accepting public comment on the enactment of a local law which amends the Town Structure Law relating to setbacks of structures. Copies of the proposed law is available at the Town Clerk’s Office.
By Order of the Town Board, Dawn Thorp, Town Clerk Town of Ashland Dated: December 12, 2022.
Supervisor Tompkins and the councilpersons mentioned we are trying to remove confusion on the setback it needs to be clarified so everyone is not confused by the interpretation. After questions and discussion;
A motion to close the public hearing on Setback, was made by Councilperson Gonzalez, seconded By Councilperson Lawrence, at 7:36PM with all in favor.
5]Public Hearing on Signs:
A motion to open the Public Hearing on Signs was made by Councilperson Aplin, seconded by Councilperson Gonzalez at 7:37pm with all in favor.
Town of Ashland Public Hearing is to Enact a 6 (six) month moratorium Local Law on Signs:
Notice is hereby given the Town of Ashland Town Board will hold a public hearing January 9th, 2023, 7:30PM at #12094 State Route 23, Ashland, New York. The purpose is to consider a Local Law, temporary town wide, six-month moratorium to study signs within the town. By Order of the Town Board, Dawn Thorp, Town Clerk
Councilperson Scott Tuttle arrived at 7:37pm
The town has received feedback, regarding signs, within the town. This is to help the town have some control as to types of signs and where they can be within the town. Several questions were asked about types of signs. This moratorium will give the board time to study the options out there. Note; State DOT gives rules and regulations but they do not enforce them, it is the towns responsibilities to enforce them.
A motion to close the public Hearing was made By Councilperson Aplin, seconded by Councilperson Lawrence at 7:42pm with all in favor.
8] The rate of mileage as per our accountant’s notified the Town that IRS rate is .655 a mile.
A motion to set our rate to 65 cents a mile was made by Councilperson Aplin seconded by Councilperson Lawrence, motion, Adopted: 5 Yes Tompkins, Lawrence, Gonzalez, Aplin, Tuttle 0 Nay
A motion to approve the setback law as written made by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez, seconded by Councilperson Lawrence, motion, Adopted: 5 Yes Tompkins, Lawrence, Gonzalez, Aplin, Tuttle 0 Nay
A motion to approve the 6-month Sign moratorium law made by Councilperson Tuttle, seconded by Councilperson Aplin motion was: Adopted: 5 Yes Tompkins, Lawrence, Gonzalez, Aplin, Tuttle 0 Nay
Adopted: 5 Yes Tompkins, Lawrence, Gonzalez, Aplin, Tuttle 0 Nay
9] Town Board Resolution #1: Procurement Policy
A motion made by Councilperson Lawrence, Seconded by Councilperson Tuttle to accept this resolution, motion
Adopted: 5 Yes Tompkins, Lawrence, Gonzalez, Aplin, Tuttle 0 Nay
Town Board Resolution #2: Cash Management Policy:
A motion made by Councilperson Lawrence, Seconded by Councilperson Gonzalez to accept this resolution, motion; Adopted: 5 Yes Tompkins, Lawrence, Gonzalez, Aplin, Tuttle 0 Nay
Town Board Resolution #3: To pre-pay Utility Bills and other certain invoices that would generate late fees.
A motion made by Councilperson Tuttle, Seconded by Councilperson Aplin to accept this resolution, motion; Adopted: 5 Yes Tompkins, Lawrence, Gonzalez, Aplin, Tuttle 0 Nay
Town Board Resolution #4: Appointments of positions for 2023 Supervisor read each position:
A motion made by Councilperson Lawrence, Seconded by Councilperson Aplin to accept this resolution, motion; Adopted: 5 Yes Tompkins, Lawrence, Gonzalez, Aplin, Tuttle 0 Nay
Town Board Resolution # 5: Newspaper for the Town: Catskill daily Mail
A motion made by Councilperson Aplin, Seconded by Councilperson Tuttle to accept this resolution, motion; Adopted: 5 Yes Tompkins, Lawrence, Gonzalez, Aplin, Tuttle 0 Nay
Town Board Resolution #6: Banks of Record: National bank of Coxsackie and NBT
A motion made by Councilperson Tuttle, Seconded by Councilperson Aplin to accept this resolution, motion; Adopted: 5 Yes Tompkins, Lawrence, Gonzalez, Aplin, Tuttle 0 Nay
Town Board Resolution #7: Equalization rates – Tabled until we check the rates with Nancy Bower
Town Board Resolution #8: To Authorize the Supervisor to use from Highway Fund Unappropriated Fund Balance to balance the accounts in 2022.
A motion made by Councilperson Lawrence, Seconded by Councilperson Gonzalez to authorize the Supervisor to do this transaction, motion; Adopted: 5 Yes Tompkins, Lawrence, Gonzalez, Aplin, Tuttle 0 Nay
Town Board Resolution # 9: To authorize the Supervisor to use $30,687.52 from General Fund Unappropriated fund balance to balance accounts in 2022.
A motion made by Councilperson Tuttle, Seconded by Councilperson Lawrence to authorize the Supervisor to do this transaction, motion; Adopted: 5 Yes Tompkins, Lawrence, Gonzalez, Aplin, Tuttle 0 Nay
10] General Fund Resolution #1 Authorize the Supervisor to balance accounts.
A motion made by Councilperson Lawrence, Seconded by Councilperson Gonzalez to authorize the Supervisor to make the following transfers, motion; Adopted: 5 Yes Tompkins, Lawrence, Gonzalez, Aplin, Tuttle, 0 Nay
11] Highway Resolution #1: Authorize the Supervisor to Balance Accounts.
A motion made by Councilperson Lawrence, Seconded by Councilperson Gonzalez to authorize the Supervisor to make the following transfers, motion; Adopted: 5 Yes Tompkins, Lawrence, Gonzalez, Aplin, Tuttle, 0 Nay
12] Water District Resolution #1: Authorize the Supervisor to Balance Accounts.
A motion made by Councilperson Lawrence, Seconded by Councilperson Gonzalez to authorize the Supervisor to make the following transfers, motion; Adopted: 5 Yes Tompkins, Lawrence, Gonzalez, Aplin, Tuttle, 0 Nay
13] Sewer District Resolution #1 Authorize the Supervisor to Balance Accounts
A motion made by Councilperson Lawrence, Seconded by Councilperson Gonzalez to authorize the Supervisor to make the following transfers, motion; Adopted: 5 Yes Tompkins, Lawrence, Gonzalez, Aplin, Tuttle, 0 Nay
14] Attorney for the Town- Tal Rappleyea yearly contract:
A motion made by Councilperson Tuttle, Seconded by Councilperson Lawrence to authorize the Supervisor to sign the contract, motion; Adopted: 5 Yes Tompkins, Lawrence, Gonzalez, Aplin, Tuttle 0 Nay
15] Contract for 2023 Maintenance Agreement for IBM typewriter:
A motion made by Councilperson Tuttle, Seconded by Councilperson Lawrence to authorize the Supervisor to sign the contract, motion; Adopted: 5 Yes Tompkins, Lawrence, Gonzalez, Aplin, Tuttle 0 Nay
16]Town Clerk’s December 2022 Report: After review:
A motion made by Councilperson Tuttle, Seconded by Councilperson Lawrence to authorize the Supervisor to sign the Town Clerks Report, motion; Adopted: 5 Yes Tompkins, Lawrence, Gonzalez, Aplin, Tuttle 0 Nay
17]Town Clerk’s January – December 2022 yearly report. After review.
A motion made by Councilperson Tuttle, Seconded by Councilperson Lawrence to authorize the Supervisor to sign the Town Clerks Yearly Report, motion; Adopted: 5 Yes Tompkins, Lawrence, Gonzalez, Aplin, Tuttle 0 Nay
18]Ambulance Fees Collected for December 2022- Were read reviewed and signed by the board.
19]Hourly Ambulance contract personnel of $18.00 per hour.
A motion made by Councilperson Lawrence, seconded by Councilperson Gonzales, to pass the hourly rate of $18.00 per hour for Ambulance Service payroll- motion; Adopted: 5 Yes-Tompkins, Lawrence, Gonzalez, Aplin, Tuttle 0 Nay
20] Ambulance Quarters: The Supervisor gave the board some information on options to proceed with the quarters.
A motion to move to executive session to discuss personnel made by Councilperson Aplin, seconded by Councilperson Tuttle, at 8:35pm, all in favor.
A motion to close executive session made by Councilperson Lawrence, seconded by Councilperson Gonzalez
For review by the Board:
Travis Castle of WWTP report was given to the board members for review.
21] Ag & Market Shelter report December 2022- as of January 03,2023
22] Blast & Seismograph report of November 2022
Pay Bills:
A motion to pay bills as written was made by Councilperson Aplin, Seconded by Councilperson Lawrence, motion was; Adopted: 5 Yes Tompkins, Lawrence, Gonzalez, Aplin, Tuttle 0 Nay
General Fund Warrant #1 46 Claims $29,296.67
Highway Fund Warrant #1 7 Claims $25,778.55
Water District Warrant #1 5 Claims $ 4,285.50
WWTP Warrant # 1 22 Claims $69,360.27
A motion to close made By Councilperson Cathi Aplin, seconded by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez, to close at 8:48PM Motion carried.
Dawn Thorp, Town Clerk
Dated: January 9, 2023