PO Box 129
Ashland, NY 12407
(518) 734-3636
Fax: (518) 734-5834
Town Of Ashland
12094 State Route 23
Ashland, New York 12407
January 08, 2024
Town Board Meeting
Supervisor Richard E Tompkins
Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez
Councilperson Scott Tuttle
Councilperson James Garraghan
Councilperson John Mattice
Town Clerk Dawn Thorp
Highway Superintendent Larry Tompkins
Attending: WAJ Students: Shane Begley, Jeremie Younes Jr., and Paul Pitti,
Heather Younes, Bob Myers
1-2] Supervisor Tompkins opened the meeting with the Pledge to the American Flag at 7: 33PM. Supervisor
Tompkins acknowledged the WAJ students attending the meeting, if they have any questions, we are happy to
3] Comments from the floor: No one had any comments or concerns.
4] KCK Paving, LLC Invoice: Magda Lane Update: Supervisor Tompkins reports they are basically done with the
road, there are still coring and compaction tests to be done, these tests are to verify the road is built correctly to
specs before we can legally take it over. KCK is doing the plowing until we can legally take over the road.
Supervisor Tompkins told the board he had discussed the options with Tal, of withholding $20,000.00 until the
testing is completed. Supervisor Tompkins asked the board how they feel about doing this. The bill was $176,000.
We should be able to stay within the budget Supervisor Tompkins said. The use of contingency money of
$4,000.00, this still will leave us between $13,000.00 & $14,000.00 for the additional costs of engineering -legals
and contingency. This is to cover everyone involved, Owners, the Town, and the contractors. Jeff asked about the
coring and compression, Supervisor Tompkins said it must be a certain rate for it to be correct. After discussion:
A motion by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez, seconded by Councilperson James Garraghan to approve paying the
invoice, but holding the amount of $20,000.00 until the testing is complete, motion was; Adopted: Aye: 4
Gonzalez, Garraghan, Mattice, Tompkins - Nay: 0 1 Councilperson Scott Tuttle had not arrived yet.
8:40PM Councilperson Tuttle arrived
5] Paramedic Services Contract: Supervisor Tompkins and the Board discussed the service contract we usually sign
every year. After review;
A motion by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez, seconded by Councilperson John Mattice to authorize the Supervisor to
sign the contract, motion was; Adopted: Aye: 5 Gonzalez, Garraghan, Mattice, Tompkins, Tuttle Nay: 0
6] Contract Rental agreement with Ashland Fire District: The contract is something we must do for the Insurance
companies, as the Fire Department and the Town have two different policies. The contract has not changed, it
remains $1000.00 a month /$12,000.00 a year. After review and discussion: A motion by Councilperson Jeff
Gonzalez, seconded by Councilperson John Mattice to approve the contract, motion was; Adopted: Aye: 5
Gonzalez, Garraghan, Mattice, Tompkins, Tuttle- Nay 0
7] Annual Contract of Attorney for the Town: Supervisor Tompkins read the information on the contract –This is
required by the state each year. $375.per Month - $4500.00 annually for the retainer extra hourly rate $175.00.
A Motion to approve Tal Rappleyea as Attorney for the town with the rates listed by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez,
seconded by Councilperson James Garraghan, motion was; Adopted: Aye: 5 Gonzalez, Garraghan, Mattice,
Tompkins, Tuttle- Nay 0
8] Mileage rate: The accounting firm for the town gave the information on IRS 2024 rate increase per mile of .67
cents. Supervisor Tompkins explained for everyone in attendance, this is a rate for going to classes, meetings, or
training for people within the town to drive for these events. A motion by Councilperson Scott Tuttle, seconded
by Councilperson John Mattice to adopt the .67 cent per mile-mileage rate, motion was: Adopted: Aye: 5
Gonzalez, Garraghan, Mattice, Tompkins, Tuttle – Nay: 0
9] REMO CON Hearing: for Determination of Public need for Permanent Operating Certificate: Hearing is here at
the town hall Wednesday 1:30PM- regional members and DOH attending, Supervisor invited surrounding towns.
This is to help us with billings of other towns our ambulance covers for the cost of this CON is $10,000.00 this will
allow us to bill the towns without an ambulance service.
10] Communication from Henry Lamont: This is a more reasonable rate for the water contract. A discussion of
what we need to do, this contract will save us money-after discussion; A motion by Councilperson Scott Tuttle,
seconded by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez to approve contract, Adopted: Aye: 5 Gonzalez, Garraghan, Mattice,
Tompkins, Tuttle Nay: 0
11] CDBG- Notice of a payment of funds and final disbursement to close out account: A Motion by Councilperson
Scott Tuttle seconded by Councilperson John Mattice to approve close out and payment, motion was; Adopted:
Aye: 5 Gonzalez, Garraghan, Mattice, Tompkins, Tuttle Nay: 0
12] Town Board Resolutions: Supervisor Tompkins read each Town Board Resolution #1- #11:
TB#1 Procurement Policy: A motion by Councilperson Jim Garraghan, seconded by Councilperson Scott Tuttle to
authorize this resolution, motion was; Adopted: Aye: 5 Gonzalez, Garraghan, Mattice, Tompkins, Tuttle Nay: 0
TB#2 Cash Management and Investment Policy: A motion by Councilperson John Mattice, seconded by
Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez to authorize this resolution, motion was; Adopted: Aye: 5 Gonzalez, Garraghan,
Mattice, Tompkins, Tuttle Nay: 0
TB#3 Authorization to pay utility bills and invoices that would generate late fees: A motion by Councilperson Scott
Tuttle, seconded by Councilperson Jim Garraghan to authorize this resolution, motion was; Adopted: Aye: 5
Gonzalez, Garraghan, Mattice, Tompkins, Tuttle Nay: 0
TB#4 Personnel Annual Appointments: The Supervisor read through the list of appointments, note, we do have a
few vacancies: one BAR member and BAR clerk, Health Officer. Larry Tompkins asked to have Jordan Braren made
Deputy Highway Superintendent. A motion by Councilperson John Mattice, seconded By Jeff Gonzalez to approve
the appointments for 2024, motion was; Adopted: Aye: 5 Gonzalez, Garraghan, Mattice, Tompkins, Tuttle Nay: 0
Appointments 2024:
Deputy Supervisor Scott Tuttle Health Officer - vacant
Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector Heather Younes Deputy Health Officer- vacant
Deputy Superintendent of Highways Jordan Braren Registrar of Vital Statistics Dawn Thorp
Clerk to the Court Peggy Rappleyea Deputy Registrar Heather Younes
Code Enforcement Officer Robert Myers Dog Control Officer Bruce Feml
Deputy Code Enforcement Officer- Vacant Town Historian Samerna Rion
Attorney for the Town Tal G. Rappleyea, ESQ. Records Management Officer Dawn Thorp
Planning Board Member Diane Bergquist-term expires 2030 Board of Assessment one position vacant
Secretary to the Planning Board -Heather Younes Board of Assessment Clerk vacant
TB#5 Catskill Daily Mail as town News Paper: A motion by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez, seconded by
Councilperson Scott Tuttle to authorize this resolution, motion was; Adopted: Aye: 5 Gonzalez, Garraghan,
Mattice, Tompkins, Tuttle Nay: 0
TB#6 Custodial Banks: Bank of Coxsackie & NBT: A motion by Councilperson John Mattice, seconded by
Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez to authorize this resolution, motion was; Adopted: Aye: 5 Gonzalez, Garraghan,
Mattice, Tompkins, Tuttle Nay: 0
TB#7 Taxable Income exemption sliding scale: A motion by Councilperson Scott Tuttle, seconded by Councilperson
John Mattice to authorize this resolution, motion was; Adopted: Aye: 5 Gonzalez, Garraghan, Mattice, Tompkins,
Tuttle Nay: 0
TB#8 CD Investments: authorizes the supervisor to invest. Funds in a timely manner for good rates: A motion by
Councilperson Scott Tuttle, seconded by Councilperson John Mattice to authorize this resolution, motion was;
Adopted: Aye: 5 Gonzalez, Garraghan, Mattice, Tompkins, Tuttle Nay: 0
TB#9 Transfer in 2023 fund balance to balance accounts in Highway: A motion by Councilperson Scott Tuttle,
seconded by Councilperson Jim Garraghan to authorize this resolution, motion was; Adopted: Aye: 5 Gonzalez,
Garraghan, Mattice, Tompkins, Tuttle Nay: 0
TB#10 Balance General Fund accounts using 2023 unappropriated fund balance: A motion by Councilperson Jeff
Gonzalez, seconded by Councilperson Jim Garraghan to authorize this resolution, motion was; Adopted: Aye: 5
Gonzalez, Garraghan, Mattice, Tompkins, Tuttle Nay: 0
TB#11 Water District Balance Accounts using unappropriated Fund Balance of 2023 Water District: A motion by
Councilperson Scott Tuttle seconded by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez to authorize this resolution, motion was;
Adopted: Aye: 5 Gonzalez, Garraghan, Mattice, Tompkins, Tuttle Nay: 0
13] General Fund Resolution #1 of 2024: To balance accounts: A motion by Councilperson Scott Tuttle, seconded
by Councilperson John Mattice to authorize this resolution, motion was; Adopted: Aye: 5 Gonzalez, Garraghan,
Mattice, Tompkins, Tuttle Nay: 0
General Fund Resolution #2 of 2024to balance an account: A motion by Councilperson John Mattice, seconded by
Councilperson Jim Garraghan to authorize this resolution, motion was; Adopted: Aye: 5 Gonzalez, Garraghan,
Mattice, Tompkins, Tuttle Nay: 0
14] Highway Fund Resolution #1 of 2024: Balance accounts: A motion by Councilperson Scott, seconded by
Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez to authorize this resolution, motion was; Adopted: Aye: 5 Gonzalez, Garraghan,
Mattice, Tompkins, Tuttle Nay: 0
15] Sewer District Fund Resolution #1 of 2024: A motion by Councilperson Jim Garraghan, seconded by
Councilperson Scott Tuttle to authorize this resolution, motion was; Adopted: Aye: 5 Gonzalez, Garraghan,
Mattice, Tompkins, Tuttle Nay: 0
16] Water District Fund Resolution #1 of 2024: A motion by Councilperson Jim Garraghan, seconded by
Councilperson Scott Tuttle to authorize this resolution, motion was; Adopted: Aye: 5 Gonzalez, Garraghan,
Mattice, Tompkins, Tuttle Nay: 0
17] November Ambulance Fee: Reviewed & Signed
18] December Ambulance Fee: Reviewed & Signed
19] Town Clerk’s Monthly Report for December 2024: A motion by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez, seconded by
Councilperson John Mattice to authorize the Supervisor to sign this document, motion was; Adopted: Aye: 5
Gonzalez, Garraghan, Mattice, Tompkins, Tuttle Nay: 0
20] Town Clerk’s Annual Report January 1 st, 2023 to December 31 st , 2023- A motion made by Councilperson James
Garraghan, seconded by Councilperson Scott Tuttle to authorize the Supervisor to sign this document, motion was
Adopted: Aye: 5 Gonzalez, Garraghan, Mattice, Tompkins, Tuttle Nay: 0
21] NYSDOT- We receive a letter each year, for shared Services. Supervisor asked the board to look it over. The
board read for information.
22] Aria Filtra: This has been ordered, Hydromantic -submersible sewage pump 15HP, 1750 RPM,50’ cord for
$13,775.00 and Filters PIN Module, AUME-UV62-99 with battery, ups, AB, at $1,118.76. A motion to pay for these
out of 2023 Budget of Waste water treatment budget, by Councilman Jeff Gonzalez, seconded by Councilperson
John Mattice, motion was; Adopted: Aye 5 Tompkins, Gonzalez, Tuttle, Garraghan, Mattice Nay 0
23] CWC Water shed: Read for information- for a committee member.
24]Communication: A letter from Ag & Markets: Kim Volpe Inspector, Bruce Feml’s Facility received a satisfactory
municipal Shelter report.
Travis Castle had Water & sewer reports for each board member-Copies of Minutes and Planning Board minutes.
Letter from Dianna Lawrence of the Rotary- to use the park again this year. A motion made by Councilperson Jeff
Gonzalez seconded by John Mattice, all in favor.
Supervisor received a call from the Town Attorney regarding the yearly Contract with Lexington and Prattsville, a
sentence was not removed the wording in the contract as it reads. The agreement with Lexington is back. The
contract with Prattsville is not, there is to be a correction in the contract.
The Town Clerk signed the paperwork for the WAJ Students.
Executive Session to discuss personnel: A motion at 8:15pm by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez, seconded by
Councilperson Jim Garraghan, all in favor.
A motion to leave Executive Secession at 8:27PM by Councilman Jeff Gonzalez, seconded by Councilperson Jim
Garraghan, all in favor.
Heather Younes: Heather took Civil Service Test for assistant to the administrator a second time, she has passed
the exam. She has a year, to be appointed. A motion made by Councilman Scott Tuttle seconded by Councilperson
Jeff Gonzalez to give Heather the Title for the exam she took and passed, motion was; Adopted: Aye: 5 Gonzalez,
Garraghan, Mattice, Tompkins, Tuttle Nay: 0
A motion by Councilperson Scott Tuttle, seconded by Councilperson John Garraghan to pay the bills as written:
General Warrant #1 40 Claims $56,620.31
Highway Fund # 1 16 Claims $ 4,681.23
Water District #1 8 Claims $13,546.41
WWTP# 1 12 Claims $47,306.47
Motion to close at 8:40pm by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez, seconded by Councilperson John Mattice, all in favor.
Dawn Thorp, Town Clerk
Dated: January 8, 2024