PO Box 129
Ashland, NY 12407
(518) 734-3636
Fax: (518) 734-5834
Town Of Ashland
12094 State Route 23
Ashland, New York 12407
Town Board Meeting
April 8, 2024
Supervisor Richard E Tompkins
Councilperson Scott Tuttle
Councilperson James Garraghan
Councilperson John Mattice
Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez
Town Clerk Dawn Thorp
Highway Superintendent Larry Tompkins
Attending: Travis Castle, Nancy Lawrence, Matt Krom
1-2] Supervisor Tompkins opened the meeting at 7:34PM with the Pledge to the American Flag.
4] Nancy Lawrence – Water District Extension Inquiry:
Supervisor Tompkins asked Nancy Lawrence to ask her questions re: The Water District- She stated her spring is
good in the winter months but is not usable in the warm weather, the well water is horrible and not great. She
wondered if the water district could be extended to her property. The Supervisor said we are in the process of the
water extension to Mayers, we had not planned to go that far originally, the problem we have, unless there is
funding available- we are using the funding we take in for this project which we are doing in house. There is not any
reason you can contact people see if they are interested. At one time the Trailer Park had asked about connecting.
So, there may be a possibility of going further.
3] Mathew Krom – Matt stated, added the extension, 18 yrs. Ago, he took down the previous shed, rebuilt it during
covid. He will need to get with Dawn- you will need to send the neighbors information return receipts before the
next meeting.
Supervisor asked for a motion, Councilperson Scott Tuttle made a motion to schedule a public Hearing for The
Kroms May 13 th , at 7:30 PM, seconded by Councilperson John Mattice, motion was
Adopted: 5 Aye Tuttle, Gonzalez, Tompkins, Garraghan, Mattice Nay 0
3]Comments from the Floor: Travis gave a report: the flow is up some. Yearly maintenance- letters have been set.
Copies of Water & Sewer Reports and monthly reports to the Board for review.
5] Bob Myers: Mutual Aid for Code enforcement. He has been called to go to another town, if we do this, the other
towns must agree to do this.
Motion by Councilperson James Garraghan, seconded by Councilperson John Mattice to agree to Mutual Aid of
code enforcement in other towns, motion was; Adopted: 5 Aye Tuttle, Gonzalez, Tompkins, Garraghan, Mattice,
Nay 0
6] Application: Chris Hamilton would like to be a driver for the Ambulance: Motion made by Councilperson James
Garraghan, seconded by Councilperson John Mattice, motion was; Adopted: 5 Aye Tuttle, Gonzalez, Tompkins,
Garraghan, Mattice Nay 0
7]MVP Health Insurance: Silver 8 Plan: Finance the deductible, the amount decided on is half. Motion made by
Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez, seconded by Councilperson James to pay one half of the deductible.
Adopted: 5 Aye Tuttle, Gonzalez, Tompkins, Garraghan, Mattice, nay 0
8]Ambulance Contract Update: Still waiting on Prattsville, they have a meeting tonight, Rich stated since their
meeting is tonight, he said to Supervisor Cross, why don’t you wait till Wednesday, instead of today’s deadline. The
Board members asked for a recap on their amount for the year, Rich stated it is approximately $200,000. Less the
billed patients amount we receive. Prattsville is concerned about how we invest the money, but so far this year we
cannot invest since, we have not received anything from Prattsville for 2024.
9]Town Board Resolutions:
TB Res.#20 Billing for 202420 Annual Sewer in the amount of $11,348.70. Motion made by Councilperson Jeff
Gonzalez, seconded by Councilperson Scott Tuttle. adopted: 5 Aye Tuttle, Gonzalez, Tompkins, Garraghan,
Mattice, nay 0
TB Res.#21 Annual Water District Billing of Debt Service in the amount of $33,840.00, motion by Councilperson
Scott Tuttle, seconded by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez, Adopted: 5 Aye Tuttle, Gonzalez, Tompkins, Garraghan,
Mattice, Nay 0
TB Res.#22 Authorize Certificates of Deposit motion by Councilperson Scott Tuttle, seconded by Councilperson John
Mattice, motion was adopted: 5 Aye Tuttle, Gonzalez, Tompkins, Garraghan, Mattice, nay 0
TB Res.#23 Authorize Certificates of deposits since there are multiple investments list attached to original
resolution. Motion by Councilperson James Garraghan, seconded by Councilperson John Mattice, Adopted: 5 Aye
Tuttle, Gonzalez, Tompkins, Garraghan, Mattice, Nay 0
10] Ambulance District Fund Resolution #1 Authorize Supervisor to balance accounts – A motion by Councilperson
Jeff Gonzalez, seconded by Councilperson James Garraghan, motion was; motion by Councilperson Scott Tuttle,
seconded by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez, Adopted; 5 Aye Tuttle, Gonzalez, Tompkins, Garraghan, Mattice, nay 0
11] General Fund Resolution # 6 – Authorize the Supervisor to balance accounts- motion by Councilperson Scott
Tuttle, seconded by Councilperson James Garraghan, Adopted; 5 Aye Tuttle, Gonzalez, Tompkins, Garraghan,
Mattice, nay 0
12]Water District Resolution #3 to balance accounts: Motion to authorize the Supervisor to make the following
transfers to balance accounts to made by Councilperson James Garraghan, seconded by Councilperson John
Mattice, motion was:
Adopted: 5 Aye Tuttle, Gonzalez, Tompkins, Garraghan, Mattice, nay 0
13] Town clerk’s report for March 2024: After review, a motion made by Councilperson James Garraghan, seconded
by Councilperson Scott Tuttle, motion was; Adopted: 5 Aye Tuttle, Gonzalez, Tompkins, Garraghan, Mattice, nay 0
14]Review Ambulance Fees Collected: The board members reviewed and signed the account sheets for March
15] Prices on replacing flower beds at the Town Hall: The bid was reviewed.
16] For Information: Warner Brothers Movie “The Bride” will be filming at Cave Mountain Motel- Dawn & Rich
received information on the event.
17] Coalition of Watershed Towns: Nominee for regular and Alternate Member
18] NY Rural Water Association: Ballot
Pay Warrants:
General Warrant #4 18 Claims $ 63,856.12
Highway Warrant #4 14 Claims $ 3,38.35
Water Dist Warrant #4 11 Claims $9,731.59
WWTP Warrant #4 15 Claims $55,346.98
A motion to accept Warrants as written: Motion made by Councilperson James Garraghan, seconded by
Councilperson Scott Tuttle, motion was; Adopted: 5 Aye Tuttle, Gonzalez, Tompkins, Garraghan, Mattice, nay 0
Motion to Close at 8:31PM made by Councilperson James Garraghan, seconded by Councilperson Jeff Gonzalez,
motion carried.
Dawn Thorp, Town Clerk
Dated: April 8, 2024