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Welcome to the Town of Ashland's web site, where we hope to provide you with information about our scenic Catskill Mountain community.

Regular Meeting Times :
Town Board Meetings are held the 2nd Monday of the month at 7:30 PM
Planning Board Meetings are held on the 1st Thursday of the month @ 7:00PM

For all Fire and Emergencies please dial 911


12094 ROUTE 23 - PO BOX 129


518-734-3636 Fax 518-734-5834

TDD# 1-800-622-1220

"This is an equal opportunity provider and employer"

Richard E. Tompkins, Town Supervisor

Scott Tuttle, Councilperson                                                                          Jeffrey Gonzelez, Councilperson

James Garraghan, Councilperson                                                                        John Mattice, Councilperson



Town of Ashland -Notice is hereby Given:  A Public Hearing will be held to consider a proposed variance of 30 in the south direction for a septic replacement, regarding set back in the Town of Ashland. The proposed variance is for Howard Devennish & Jordan Church, 126 North Settlement Road, Town of Ashland. The hearing will be scheduled December 9, 2024, 7:30PM at the Ashland Town Hall, 12094 State Route 23, Ashland, New York 12407.  All parties will be heard at that time.

By Order of the Town Board, Dawn Thorp- Town Clerk   Dated: November 25, 2024





(Pursuant to Section 501 of the Real Property Tax Law)

Notice is hereby given that assessment inventory and valuation data is available for
examination and review. This data is the information which will be used to establish the
assessment of each parcel which will appear on the Tentative Assessment Roll of the Town of
Ashland which will be filed on or before May 1 st , 2024.The information may be reviewed, by
appointment only, in the Assessor’s Office at 12094 Route 23, Ashland on Thursday March 7 th
between the hours of 9am and noon, and on Thursday March 14, between the hours of 9am and
noon. An appointment to review the assessment information may be made by telephoning the
assessor at 518-734-3636. Dated 22 nd day of February, 2024. Nancy Wyncoop Bower, Sole Assessor.

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